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Dr. Madelein Kleyn

Dr. Kleyn  (RTTP) holds a BSc (Chem) Eng and a PhD in IP Law. She is a South African patent attorney. and the CEO-founder of Mad K IP Consulting (Pty) Ltd and Director, Technology Transfer of Stellenbosch University. She has been practicing law for 30 years serving the Petrochemical and Agriculture industries and more recently university technology transfer. Her main areas of expertise include deal making,   IP Portfolio management,  IP policy and strategy development and implementation.  She regularly advises on corporate governance, IP risk management and  IP-related business transactions.   She has authored many articles and papers on IP matters.  She directs the Patent and Design LLM module at Stellenbosch University and Technology Commercialisation at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt in Germany. Co-editor of Lexis Nexus  “International Pharmaceutical Law ”.

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Livros do autor

Dr. Madelein Kleyn Memoirs: An Intellectual Property Journey € 45.5

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