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Sherzod Toshpulatov

Sherzod Toshpulatov is now an LL.M. Candidate/2022 of the Pennsylvania State University, the United States of America. He received his Bachelor's in Law, specializing in International law, from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, the Republic of Uzbekistan. He improved his qualifications in Sociology of Law at Lund University, the Kingdom of Sweden in 2018. He is the author of several research articles in the sphere of International law and diplomacy. He possesses work experience at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, precisely in the field of diplomacy and treaty-making. Particularly, the brightest examples of his work experience can be that he was involved in submission by the Republic of Uzbekistan of commentary on the various topics of the International Law Commission as well as the conclusion of bilateral treaties of the country.

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