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Hussein Awdeh

I obtained my BA in computer science at Cnam University, and my master research in information system at doctoral school DOA at Lebanese university, Lebanon.
I am currently in third year PhD student in automatic syntax analysis of modern standard Arabic at Paris 8 university, Saint-Denis, France. In order to resolve problems related to the lack of Arabic tagged corpora, my main research interest centers on how to build gold Arabic Corpus for free, annotated text, entities and summaries to help advancing the work on arabic NLP researchers in the field of evaluation and validation of their unsupervised learning tools and for the learning in the supervised learning tools in the syntaxic domain. 
My work has been done as a part of the project "Analyse sémantique de textes arabes utilisant l’ontologie et WordNet" supported by the Lebanese University.
In my future research, I expect to enrich the built Silver Standard Corpus (SAC) to support more words syntax and use an xml tagger to build our Gold Arabic Corpus GAC.

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