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Eduardo Lopez Rosse

Eduardo Lopez Rosse is a social and environmental scientist on alternative certification for small producers and food decolonization issues. He graduated from The Master’s Program on Environmental Socioeconomics at The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE-Costa Rica) with the research on Sustainable Costa Rican Coffee and Small Producers Organizations. He is a Ph.D on Development Sciences at the CIDES-UMSA with the Research on Ecologic Agriculture and Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS). He was invited professor at UMSS Valley (Mizque) and Tropic (Valle del Sacta) Programs. He was researcher at Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF-Bolivia) on Ecologic Agriculture and Participatory Certification Schemes. He wrote environmental papers on Scientific Magazines and Journals such as ¨The Hidden Potential of Agroforestry Systems in the Chapare Coca Production Area, Bolivia¨ (CIDOB-OCP Policy Center) and ¨How Agroecology can be measured?¨at LEISA MAGAZINE 32.3 and Book Chapters such as: ¨Connecting producers and consumers through innovation mechanisms¨ at Innovative Markets for Sustainable Agriculture¨ FAO-Book and ¨The Living Well Development Paradigm in the 2020-2025 Agenda of The Plurinational State of Bolivia ¨ at Ecological Economics and Social-Ecological Movements Book. He was invited to the 2015 and 2021 World Forest Congress and the 2017 IUFRO World Congress as presenter. Actually, he is working at The Consumers´ Rights Office at Gobierno Autonomo Municipal de Cochabamba (GAMC), Plurinational State of Bolivia. 

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