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Micronutrient Intake Inadequacy and Its Associated Factors Among Lactating Women in Bahir Dar, Northwest Ethiopia, 2021

€ 38.5

Publicado: 2022-08-26
Categoria: Health Care, Medicine
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Inadequate intake of micronutrients in lactating women was prevalent worldwide. In particular, to our knowledge, there has been little report concerning Ethiopian lactating women regarding their micronutrient intake. Our objective was to assess micronutrient intake inadequacy and its associated factors among lactating women in Bahir Dar city, Northwest Ethiopia, 2021

Data were collected by interviewer-administered semi-structured questionnaire and a single multiphasic 24 hours dietary recall was used to assess dietary assessment. The ESHA food processor, Ethiopian food composition table, and world food composition table have used the calculation of nutrient values of the selected micronutrient. The nutrient intakes were assessed by Nutrient Adequacy Ratio (NAR) and Mean Adequacy Ratio (MAR).

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