The Impact of E-Learning in Achieving the Learning Outcomes of Translation Through the Model of Final Studies Projects
€ 38.5
This book's contents are based on the E-Learning approach employed by the Saudi Electronic University (SEU). Mainly, “Tawkeed” platform, which is concerned with quality file assessment after each exam in every semester was used to explain the e-learning quality assessment practices at the SEU. The book outlines the quality assessment plan approved by the SEU for preparing quality files as stated in five sections. The first section speaks about "Introduction".The second section discusses about "Literature review" that includes previous research and studies on the quality of e-learning,. The next section explains "Methodology" employed, followed by the fourth section "Findings" that explains the disparity in results between different periods of learning and different types of errors, and the last section is "Conclusion" of the most important results and findings.