Agri-business has evolved out of the new input-outut matrix. Agriprenuers have come to realise the importance of quality changes and value addition in agriculture. Risk and uncertainty being inevitable parameters of modern business, serving farmers and saving farming has become the need of the hour. This book examines how under liberalisation and globalisation, agri-business has opened new vistas for growth and development of the rural economy in general and of the agrarian economy in particular. The purpose of this book is to analyse agribusiness in the context of globalisation with particular reference to developing countries like India. The second part gives the conceptualisation of agribusiness. The third part is the actualisation of agribusiness in terms of its contribution. The fourth part puts agribusiness in the management perspective. The fifth part examines the challenges for agribusiness in India and tries to offer some strategies to face them. The sixth part is the conclusion.