The Death Penalty Is Biassed Towards Women: The Tragic Misery All Across the World
€ 36.5
This research study on "The death penalty is biassed towards women" analyses the criminal justice system's discrimination against women around the world. This research concentrates on the capital punishment prejudice, as well as the underlying causes and principles that drive this long-standing practise. The study also looks at the current state of the death penalty, with a special focus on India. The number of women sentenced to death has been exceedingly low. The low conviction rate for women is a cause for worry. What happens when a woman commits a crime? Do they face any repercussions? What happens during the trial? How long must she wait for her execution? What is the current state of prions? Do women have an advantage over men? What happens to the offender's child? What motivates her to do a crime? Is it true that she has spent her whole life on death row?