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THEORY OF SEISMIC ENERGY (TES) AND THEORY OF VOLCANIC ENERGY (TEV): TES and TEV: two proposals that revolutionize our knowledge

€ 42.5

Publicado: 2023-03-01
Categoria: Science
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According to the Seismic Energy Theory (TES), a seismic event is the product of the disturbance of external energy (solar photons) by the transit of internal energy (geomagnetism). As a result of this, the external energy is dispersed abruptly in the form of waves (because both energies repel each other, and the external energy is unstable). Therefore, there is energy transport in the form of vibration without the matter moving. In addition, taking the concepts raised in TES as a reference, the Volcanic Energy Theory (TEV) is proposed; it analyzes that the sudden displacement of external energy in areas with reactive material fulfills the function of activation energy, giving way to volcanic combustion. 

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