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Practical Approaches to Health Supply Chain Management

€ 32.5

Publicado: 2020-08-26
Categoria: Management
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The aim of this study is to present the emerging trends in managing health Supply Chain Management and health commodity management. Logistics and Supply Chain modernism are becoming a highly newsworthy issue in the research agenda in developing countries, as well as in practice. The intention is that economic and political factors are raising the attention to healthcare issues: the process of local health corporatization, which involves the introduction into the Health Commodity Management System. In the increasing demand for healthcare services and availability of health commodities to augment quality health service delivery. Emerging technologies and modernized systems will continue to drive up the total healthcare in a responsive manner. Indeed, limited resources and a sturdy growth in spending, hence, the need of a public and private health rationalization, especially for meeting increasingly quality demands of goods and service. All this requires a reflective alteration that affects not only the processes of diagnosis and treatment, but also those of support, especially logistics, which is essential for the processes of service quality and improvement in commodity security. Commodity security exists when clients can obtain and use essential health commodities when and where they need them. This concept is an extension of frameworks that were developed for family planning and reproductive health commodities and later for HIV/AIDS commodities. It is in this concept that health commodity security is also at the center of the World Health Organizations’ (WHO) essential medicines strategy.

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