The Timeless Wisdom of Pyrrhonian Skepticism in Modern Life
€ 42.5
This book investigates the relevance of Pyrrhonian skepticism in modern life, particularly its capacity to enhance well-being through suspending judgment and fostering mental tranquility (ataraxia). Developed by figures like Agrippa, Sextus Empiricus, and Aenesidemus, Pyrrhonian skepticism asserts that certainty is both unattainable and unnecessary. By promoting the suspension of judgment (epoché) in uncertain situations, this philosophy nurtures resilience and emotional stability, enabling individuals to manage complex and contradictory information without rigid beliefs. The study explores Agrippa’s Five Modes and Sextus’ Ten Skeptical Modes, which provide practical tools for embracing uncertainty and alleviating stress from dogmatic thinking. Using a qualitative analysis of ancient texts and their interpretations, the research underscores how Pyrrhonian principles apply to contemporary challenges such as ideological conflicts and psychological distress. Findings reveal that practicing skepticism not only improves personal well-being but also fosters intellectual humility, tolerance, and social harmony. The paper argues that Pyrrhonian skepticism presents a practical framework for tackling modern anxieties, cultivating peace of mind, and guiding ethical actions.