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Theories of Residential Mobility with Empirical Demonstrations

€ 49.5

Publicado: 2023-06-02
Categoria: Urban Studies and Planning
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The book was divided into seven chapters. The opening chapter recounted the dimension of housing problems across the world and particularly in African countries; the most affected continent. The chapter also traced the trends in housing studies in Nigeria to the present day. In chapter two, the book verbosely discussed the concepts of residential mobility. Other sections in the chapter were the essence of residential mobility studies, residential mobility propensity and patterns of households' residential mobility. The subsequent chapter made a collection of theories that are related to residential mobility studies. Chapter four centered on methodologies in residential mobility studies. The nature of residential mobility study, types, and sources of adoptable data for research on the subject was discussed in the chapter. The chapter that succeeded was mainly on factors determining residential mobility. Chapter six of the book was devoted to a case study; Kano metropolis, Nigeria. 

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