Impact of Climate Change on Road Transport Infrastructure in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria
€ 79.5
This study investigates the impact of climate change on road transport infrastructure in Lagos metropolis Nigeria. Thirty years (1985-2014) climatic data on temperature, rainfall and humidity were obtained from Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET) Lagos to evaluate trends in climatic parameters in the metropolis. Nine years (2006-2014) road infrastructure maintenance records were collected from Lagos State Public Works Corporation (LSPWC) to examine the magnitude of road facility maintained. Data were also generated from the sixteen roads randomly selected within the metropolis to assess road conditions. Primary data were obtained from 0.01% (1,100) of the total population on whom structured questionnaires were administered using random sampling technique. Descriptive statistics was employed to analyse trend of climatic variables; residents’ awareness of climate change as well as physical and operational impacts of climate change. Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR) was used to examine relationship between socio-economic characteristics of residents and climate change awareness. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to examine intra-urban variations in road condition, while Multiple Regression analysis was used to examine relationship between climate change and road infrastructure.