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Social and Economic Value Assessment and Characterisation of Woody Species in Sudanian Ecoregions of Cameroon

€ 49.5

Publicado: 2022-09-07
Categoria: Biology
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This book deals with valuable forest resources in sudanian ecoregions of Cameroon in Central Africa. These forest resources include non-timber forest products (NTFPs) that contribute to sustain livelihood of many people in terms of human consumption, human traditional pharmacopoeia, veterinary medicine, fodder, ritual use, mystical use and income generation. The products are used by some main group ethnics of the study ecoregions such as Toupouri, Moundang, Guiziga, Massa, Moufou, Peuhl, Sirata in the sudano-sahélian ecoregion and Gbaya, Baboute, Mboum, Baveuk, Tikar, Képéré in the sudano-guinean ecoregion. The target groups are constituted of traditional healers, pastoralists, farmers and foresters. The exploitation of some species is practised by felling systematically the trees which leads to a record of high vulnerable index and consequently jeopardizes the natural regeneration of the species in the undergrowth and alters the structure and floristic composition of the plant communities. In some parts of the ecoregions, local people manage the existing species through enrichment plantings.

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