€ 37.5
Philosophy can be considered as the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. Major subfields of academic philosophy include Metaphysics (The fundamental nature of existence and reality), Logic (The rules of Inference, which allows to deduce conclusions from true premises), Epistemology (The study of knowledge and belief), and ethics. Philosophy of science, political philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind are other prominent subfields in the context of philosophy. Generally, philosophy is related to wisdom, scholarly culture, and a search for knowledge (understanding.). Philosophy encourages people to acquire wisdom rather than mere knowledge. It mainly teaches critical thinking, and logical analysis. Many philosophical debates that began in ancient times are still debated today. This book is a collection of 12 articles in western and eastern philosophy. Several philosophical themes such as Metaphysics, epistemology, political Philosophy, Language philosophy, philosophy of science, ethics, etc, have been discussed along with an in depth analysis. In philosophy, the knowledge gets expanded with new interpretations. Each article is discussed in detail in order to get the reader's attention to the selected philosophical themes. This is a collection of philosophical articles, which would be helpful when understanding the salient areas in philosophy. Both western and eastern philosophical areas have covered from these articles and it would help the readers to enhance their knowledge of the subject. The articles have been written with an in-depth analysis of the topics.