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Author Interview with Prof. Yew-Kwang NG

Author of the book: Do We Survive Our Biological Death?: A Rational Examination

1. Please introduce yourself. What would you like your reader to know about you?
- I was born in Malaysia (Malaya then) in 1942 to parents of Chinese origin. I speak/read/write Chinese as my mother tongue and first school language. I have been an academic throughout my life after schooling, becoming a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia since 1981, and a full professor at Monash University since 1985. I have published refereed papers in scholarly journals in many areas, including economics, biology, psychology, philosophy, mathematics, animal welfare, cosmology, happiness studies, etc. Thus, I am able to tackle the important issues of this book with multidisciplinary knowledge from both Chinese and English sources.

2. What is your inspiration/motivation?
- My inspiration/motivation for writing papers and book has always been the curiosity to learn the truth in various areas, especially whether we survive our bodily death.

3. How long did it take to complete your book from the idea to publication?
- The interest in postmortem survival has been for decades. However, in terms of serious research (mainly reading relevant books and scholarly papers), it has been at least seven years since 2007. The idea on the emergence of souls from minds has been for about three years.

4. What's the main message and idea of your book "Do We Survive Our Biological Death?: A Rational Examination"?
- The message is that simple materialism is completely unacceptable and the possibility if not likelihood of postmortem survival is strongly supported by evidences, especially on mediumship, near-death experiences, and past-life memories. It is also supported by my conceptual analysis.

5. What was the most unexpected conclusion you came up with while preparing "Do We Survive Our Biological Death?: A Rational Examination"?
- All the empirical and conceptual supports for postmortem survival may be regarded as unexpected, as I was originally a simple materialist.

6. How would you describe your publishing experience with Eliva Press in a few words?
- So far, my experience in publishing with Eliva Press has been excellent, including promptness in email correspondence.

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