Author of the book:"Mezinárodní koordinace sociálního zabezpečení: výzvy a přílezitosti pro 21. století"
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Lire plusAuthor of the book:"Justice as a Fair Start in Life"
Lire plusBook Review: Dillard, Carter J., Justice a Fair Start in Life: Understanding the Right to Have Children (Eliva, 2021)
Lire plusThe Legal Theory Bookworm recommends Justice as a Fair Start in Life: Understanding the Right to Have Children by Carter Dillard
Lire plusBinocular Vision Disorder: A Patient’s Guide to a Life-Limiting, Often Underdiagnosed, Medical Condition
Lire plusNagasaki Atomic Bomb Survivor’s Sorrow and Prayer
Lire plusEliva Press publishing company is to announce the release for the newest title: " Binocular Vision Disorder: A Patient’s Guide to a Life-Limiting, Often Underdiagnosed, Medical Condition " by Denise Drace-Brownell.
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